Monday, September 30, 2019

We had one student who happened to be sick last week and missed most of the  “All About Me” bags.      We were happy to let her share today!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

For the past six weeks, our religion unit has been God Made Me.  We have been learning all about how God made each one of us special and he has blessed us all with his gifts.  This week each child had an opportunity to share an “All About Me” bag.  The children were so excited to tell us about their families, the things they like, their hobbies, and more.  They also got to bring a surprise in their bag of something special they wanted to share with their friends.  In doing all of this, they got to practice their speaking skills, listening skills, and patience!  Waiting for your turn is very difficult!  We learned so much about one another.  Enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Learning our shapes is so much fun!  We sing songs, use our sandboxes and dry erase boards to draw them and use our wooden lines and curves to make them.

Acting out Humpty Dumpty is a fun way to start learning about rhyming words!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Monday’s are PE and computer days!

We are learning all kinds of new things about our shapes.  We can name them, find them, and practice drawing them.  During computer time with Mrs. Slattery, we used our iPads to get on IXL and practice with circles and squares.  We also used the SMART board to practice drawing shapes.

In PE with Mrs. Angotti, we got to run, throw and catch balls, and play a relay game!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Whew!  It’s been a busy day!  Check out some of the fun things we did today.

Art Class:
During art today with Ms. Lola, we used out handprints to make leaves on the tree in the library.

Work time:
We practiced drawing, cutting, and counting sticks to make a square frame for our masterpieces.

It was hot but it was fun on the playground with our friends.

Center time:
We learn so much when we play!

Snow Day Activities (1/19/24)

Make a DIY Sensory Bin The possibilities are endless! Below are 2 picture examples of a sensory bin as well as some information to give you ...