Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Religion - I Am Growing
We are completing the last chapter in our religion series. Listen to the story about how Kelly Martin has grown. Check the packet for religion pages 105/106 and pages 109/110. Check the email for details.
Language Arts: Letters/Sounds
Note: There is more on this blog than usual. Do not feel the need to do it all in one day. Many of the children have learned their letters and sounds and are ready for blending sounds to read or spelling 3 letter words. Use the information below to continue at your own pace. This will be great practice to spread out over the next week or two
Below are several videos to help practice with letter sounds and CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant words like “hat”, “pig”, “web”, etc). Watch, enjoy, practice with the videos and then check the packet for the colored card stock letter tiles. Cut the letter tiles out on the lines and use them to practice spelling words! Below are 2 good websites to find activities to use with the letter tiles to practice spelling words or blending sounds.
Below are several videos to help practice with letter sounds and CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant words like “hat”, “pig”, “web”, etc). Watch, enjoy, practice with the videos and then check the packet for the colored card stock letter tiles. Cut the letter tiles out on the lines and use them to practice spelling words! Below are 2 good websites to find activities to use with the letter tiles to practice spelling words or blending sounds.
Math/Science: Summer Safety
Click on the link to go to My Big World. Go to the Hands on Activity and practice summer safety with a “Listen to the Lifeguard” game. When done, check the packet for 2 skill sheets (“Safe or Not Safe” and “Summer Count”). Check the email for details. Have fun!
Religion - I Can Pray
Listen to Mrs. Morgan read a story called Celebrating Mass. Then find page 107/108 in the packet. Read and discuss. Color the sun and the cross in the stained glass window.
Language Arts - Letters/Sounds
Here is another fun workout with Jack Hartmann to help you practice letters and sounds. When done, find the skill sheet in the packet titled “What’s at the Beginning?”. This skill will be a little more challenging than it has been in the past. Say the picture name emphasizing the beginning sound, decide what letter makes that sound, then write the upper and lowercase letter in the box. Think hard and write neatly!
Math/Science - Summer Safety
Click on the link for My Big World and go to the game “Ice Cream Patterns”. You should be really good at this skill! (Parents: There are 2 levels. The easiest is simply to choose what comes next and the harder one is to keep the pattern going a few times)
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Religion - I Can Pray
Yesterday we learned about morning prayers. Today we will learn about night time prayers. Listen to this story called “Bedtime Prayers” and then complete the religion page 77/78 “Good Night Prayer”.
Language Arts - Letters/Sounds
Review letters and beginning sounds with this workout. Get ready to move and review! When you are done, check the packet for a skill sheet with pictures at the bottom and letters on the top. Check the email for directions. Have fun!
Math/Science - Summer Safety
Check your packet for the My Big World June 2020 issue “Summer Safety”. Read and discuss the issue. Circle all the super summer Ss pictures on the back page. (You can also access the same information on the My Big World digital issue by clicking on the link to the right of the blog)
Monday, May 18, 2020
Religion - I Can Pray
I hope you have been saying your prayers! Remember, we can always talk to God with “asking” prayers but we should also include “thanking” prayers. Check your packet and email for religion page 77/78 and instructions. Complete the “Good Morning” prayer card.
Language Arts - Letters/Sounds
Here is a peppy version of one of our all time favorites! See if you can name all of the letters in Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Check your packet for 2 sheets (square grid and lowercase letters) and email for instructions.
Math/Science - Summer Safety
Click on the link to My Big World and log in as a student with “2020Colts”. It’s not summer yet but it will be here before we know it. Click on the video, “High Five” for summer safety”. Listen carefully for 5 tips to keep you safe this summer. Then, click on the video “Dance Break-Doggie Paddle”. Go outside and enjoy the rest of your day!
Friday, May 15, 2020
Religion - I Can Pray
Enjoy this song called I Will Pray. When done, check the packet for religion page 75/76. Cut and staple the pages together to make a prayer booklet. Look at the pictures, read the short sentences and think about how you can say your asking and thanking prayers. Draw a picture of yourself in the circle on page 8.
Language Arts - Letters/Sounds
Click on the IXL link to the right of this blog. If you need log in information, please let me know. Practice letters in section A and or B. Complete as many skills in those sections as you can.
Math/Science - Bubbles
Enjoy this fun bubble song. Be ready to move and dance!
Now let’s have some fun with Bubble Art. Use the bubbles in your packet or make some of your own. Two basic recipes are listed below. Be creative! Experiment! Have fun!
Bubble Recipes:
1 cup water
1/2 cup liquid dish soap
3 TBS corn syrup
Food coloring, paint, or Kool-Aid
Commercial bubble mixture
Food coloring, paint, or Kool-Aid
Here are a few examples of how to make the Bubble Art.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Religion - I Can Pray
When we pray, we are talking to God and we can talk to Him anywhere, anytime about anything! Listen to this story about Kelly Martin.
Sing along with this video about talking to God.
Language Arts - Letters/Sounds
Can you guess the beginning sound in theses sentences?
When done, check the packet for “Food beginning sounds”, say the name of the picture, decide the sound you hear at the beginning and then color the box with the letter that makes that sound.
Math/Science - Bubbles
Go to the IXL link on the right of the blog and then to Math Section E. Comparing. Complete “#1/More”. Feel free to continue through this section comparing more and fewer. Below is an example of what you will see as you navigate through the link. (Let me know if you need login information.) When done practicing on IXL, complete the skill sheet from the packet. It is titled “Which Has More Bubbles?”
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Religion - I Can Listen
God gave us our ears to listen.
Join Jack Hartmann in “Move it to the Sounds”. Be ready to move like you are playing different musical instruments, bouncing a ball and more!
Listen carefully and see if you can guess what animal you hear.
Check the packet for religion page 73 and check the email for details.
Language Arts - Letters/Sounds
Enjoy acting out the alphabet with Jack Hartmann.
Check the email and packet for a paper activity.
Math/Science - Bubbles
Go to My Big World June 2020 and play the bubble pop game.
Enjoy Pop the Bubbles song and practice counting.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Religion - I Can Listen
God gave us our ears to listen.
Let’s use them today to follow Jack Hartmans’s directions in the song Tooty Ta.
Now play a guess the sound game. Have fun and listen carefully!
Language Arts - Letters/Sounds
Listen to The Alphabet Book and then check the packet and cut out the alphabet tiles printed on colored card stock paper. Use the tiles to practice putting the letters in order A-Z. Save the tiles in an envelope or bag to be used again.
Math/Science - Bubbles
Did you have fun yesterday experimenting with the bubbles? How did your bubble wands work out?Enjoy this Bubble Song and practice counting to 20. When you are done, get the My Big World Bubbles issue from the packet. Read and explore it then trace the bubbles on the back and write one number in each bubble from 1-10. You can also go online to the issue to read and listen as well as play an interactive game on the back page. Have fun!
Christopher tried different shaped pipe cleaners, like a square and heart, but his bubbles came out as different sized circles. Oh well, his mom said he had a blast anyway! Bubbles are fun no matter what shape they are. :)
Monday, May 11, 2020
Religion - I Can Listen
God gave us our ears with which to listen. When we listen to other people, it shows them that we love them and want to hear what they have to say. Use your listening ears to learn why it is important to listen and what good things can come from listening.
Now using your listening ears and hop, skip, twirl, and dance until you are told to “FREEZE!”
Have fun and listen carefully!
Language Arts - Letters/Beginning sounds
Practice your ABC’s with Jack Hartman in this Dance Medley. Be ready to say the letters and move! When you are done, check your packet for the uppercase letter sheet and the sheet with all the squares. Cut out the letters and glue them in order in those squares. Remember, start at the top on the left and when you get to the end of the row, start on the left of the next row all the way from A-Z. Cut carefully on the line!
Math/Science - Bubbles
Go to My Big World with the link on the right. Find the June 2020 issue and click on the video called “Let’s Blow Bubbles”. You might also want to check out the Hands On Activity: Science - Bubble Bin. When you are done, use the bubbles and pipe cleaners from your packet to go outside and experiment with different sizes and shapes of bubbles. Have a great time!
Here are a few examples of how you can use your pipe cleaners to make different shaped bubble wands.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Religion - Mother’s/Father’s Day
Father’s Day is not until June but listen to the story My Dad Is A Superhero. Can your dad fly you around, help you clean your room, help you play ball and more? Is your dad a superhero? Enjoy the story and see if your dad can do all those things!
Sing along with the DADDY song to the tune of BINGO.
Language Arts - Rhyming Words
Remember rhyming words sound the same at the end. Practice saying two words together to see if they sound the same at the end. If they do, they rhyme! Watch the video Mrs. Morgan made to help you decide if two words rhyme then complete the rhyming sheet cut and glue from your packet.
Math/Science - Measurements/Plants
Sing along with this song about “short” and “tall”.
Go to the link for Starfall which you will find on the right side of the blog. Click on “Kindergarten and PreK”, then “Geometry and Measurement”, then the first game on the third row. Once there practice measuring tools, trains, mice, and shoes. Finally, complete the skill sheet in the packet “Measure the Flower”
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Religion - Mother’s Day/Father’s Day
Mother’s Day is this coming Sunday May 10th!
Here is a sweet story called God Made Mommy Special. Listen to the story and think about what makes your mom special to you. Check the email and packet for a color and draw activity.
Listen and sing along to this Mother’s Day Song. See if you can do some nice things for your mom for Mother’s Day. You can clean your room, make your bed, put your toys away and be extra good!
Language Arts - Letter Zz/Beginning Sounds
Let’s join Jack Hartman practice the letters, the sounds those letters make and the beginning sounds of a zoo animal pictures in this Alphabet Zoo song.
Join Mrs. Morgan to practice working on beginning sounds and letters. When you are done, check your packet for a cut and glue paper where you can practice finding the letter to match the beginning sound of zoo animals. Cut and glue carefully! As an extra, see if you can name all of the letters in each word you see.
Math/Science - Plants
As we continue to learn about and observe plants, watch and move to this video about parts of a plant. Learn about and move like a flower, stem, leaf and roots. Have fun!
Go to My Big World (April 2020) and play the game: Build a New Plant
Today you can use materials around your house or from outside to build your own plant. Make sure it has at least the main parts roots, stem, leaves and maybe a flower and fruit. Below are a few examples to give you some ideas.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Religion - I Can Wait
Sometimes we must wait for things to change. It takes time for a caterpillar to change into a butterfly. Listen to the story called The Butterfly.
The Butterfly Song
Did you know that butterfly wings are very special in that they are “symmetric”. That’s a big word that means that their wings are mirror images of one another. Look at the examples below to give you some ideas on how to decorate your butterfly. Check the email and packet for details.
Language Arts - Letter Zz
Enjoy the video while you learn more about the letter Zz. When you are done, make some Zz’s from sticks, rocks, toys, or other objects. After you have practiced with objects, you can practice tracing on the Zz paper in your packet. At the bottom are a zebra and a zoo to color. Please trace and color neatly.
Math/Science - Plants
What do plants need to grow? Do you think plants like pizza, ice cream, or dog bones? Listen to the story Grow Flower Grow and find out. Next, enjoy a song about what a plant needs. Check the packet for a cut/glue sheet. Help Jack make a happy plant by giving it what it needs. This should be a fun sheet to color as well. Then, here is my favorite part, go plant some real seeds! You will find a pack of seeds in your packet. After you plant your seeds, you will have to be very patient and wait for them to grow. Remember, sometimes it’s hard to wait but great things will come from your patience. Have fun!
Religion - I Can Wait
**** Note to parents: This is a short movie and is about 35 minutes long. It is an awesome story that even you might enjoy if you have time to watch it with your child.
Watch this incredible story called “Hermie the Common Caterpillar”. Hermie is sad that he doesn’t have stripes or fancy spots and is simply an ordinary caterpillar. Hermie and his friend Wormie finally take their troubles to God and throughout the story find out that God has a plan for each and everyone one of us. He also provides all of us with special gifts but sometimes we have to be patient and wait for them. I love this story and I hope you do too!
Here are a few examples of caterpillars. Be as creative as you like with yours!
Math/Science - Plants
Were you able to find some plants inside your home? How about outside your home? Did you see seeds, roots, stems, leaves, flowers, or fruits? Go to My Big World again and this time click on the April 2020 issue to “Listen and Read”. In this section you will be able to read along, sing, count, and graph. When you are finished with “Listen and Read”, click on “Dance Break.” Here you will move like a plant! Enjoy!
Here is a little science experiment you can do at home to see how a plant gets the water from the soil, through the stem and all the way to the leaves!
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Religion - I Can Wait
Waiting for things can be difficult but many times waiting will lead to a nice reward. Listen to the story I’ll Wait Panda and see if any of Panda’s friends wait for what he was baking? What was the surprise? Would you think that was a good surprise for which to wait?
Here is a fun song where you have to WAIT and then you get to move. Be ready to bounce, shake, and more! When you are done, check the email for more details.
Language Arts - Letter Zz
It’s the last letter in the alphabet! How many letters are there in the alphabet? That’s right! We made it all the way through 26 letters. Good job! Listen to the first story and say the letter z words out loud. Then listen to the second story, Zack the Lazy Zebra, and listen for the z words. Also listen for rhyming words and a fun Z Chant at the end. Check the email and packet for a Z craft.
The Letter Z Book
Zack the Lazy Zebra
Here are some ideas for your letter Z craft
Math/Science - Plants
Click on the My Big World link to the right of the screen. Use code 2020Colts to log in as a student. Find the April 2020 issue “Flower Power” and click on the video “What Are Plants?”. When you’re done, look around inside and outside your house and see if you have any plants. Look at them closely. Check out the stems, leaves, flowers, etc. If you wish, draw or take some pictures of some of the plants you find. Have fun plant hunting!
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Snow Day Activities (1/19/24)
Make a DIY Sensory Bin The possibilities are endless! Below are 2 picture examples of a sensory bin as well as some information to give you ...
Go to My Big World to play a couple of alphabet recognition games. Check the email for the issues and the details. Enjoy the singing walr...
Make a DIY Sensory Bin The possibilities are endless! Below are 2 picture examples of a sensory bin as well as some information to give you ...
For review, you can go back and sing along with Jack Hartman on the See It, Say It, Sign It video. Today we will be learning all about the l...