Friday, August 26, 2022

What”s New This Week?

 Wednesday was the first day to work on our kindles.  Mrs. Slattery came to our room to help us.  We learned how to turn them on, find the Starfall app that Mrs. Morgan told us, and then we got to explore the app to find some fun learning games that we like!  

We got to explore ways to play with our play dough.  We learned how to roll it into a ball, make a snake and even practiced making the first letters of our name!

Today was our first day to go to the Library.  Ms. Cindy read us a funny dinosaur book called We Don’t Eat Our Classmates.   Ms. Cindy and Ms. Marla also let us read our own book, taught us how to treat our books gently and how to trade with a friend if we wanted to look at different books. We can’t wait to back next Friday!

Friday, August 19, 2022

What’s new!?


 We had our first Fire Drill and Lock Down Drill today.  The children did an awesome job!  They were very good listeners and followed directions.  Here is very short video that we watched before our drill.  Watch it with your child and then get them to tell you all about our own drill!


We have been learning and reviewing some of the class rules this week.  Here is a fun video that we use to help make learning rules a little more fun!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

First Day - All Students!

The gang is all here!!

It was a fun day getting to play with our new friends and learn all about all of the activities we have in our classroom!

 We are looking forward to another fun day tomorrow!

Monday, August 15, 2022

First Day - Group 3

Meet our third group of PK4 students on their first day!

It was fun exploring our new toys and tools in our new classroom!

We had a little playground time before lunch.  It’s one of our favorite places to be!

 Someone got to celebrate her 5th birthday on her first day of school!

She shared some cookies with her new friends at lunch time.  The children gobbled them up!

We look forward to seeing all of our friends tomorrow!

Friday, August 12, 2022

First Day - Group 2

Meet our second group of PK4 students on their first day!
(We have one more student who was just too shy to join the picture group)

 Our first day was filled with exploring our classroom tools, toys, and games.  We have a lots of centers and table games to help us learn so many new things!

We had a little playground fun before lunch.  We love to run, jump, climb, slide and have some fun!  (**Note:  The giant tree in the middle of our playground had to be cut down and all that is left is a small pile of mulch which will be spread around over some muddy areas.  So sad to see it go!)

We are looking forward to being back with all our new friends next Tuesday!

Thursday, August 11, 2022

First Day - Group 1

Our first group of PK4 students on their first day.

We got to meet our art teacher, Ms. Green.  
We learned a few rules and got to play with out Playdough in the art room

We got to meet our music teacher Mr. Cooper.

This is our first time in centers.  It’s so much fun!

We had to have a “rainy day recess” in the gym but we found plenty of fun things to do!

Who doesn’t love to crawl through a tunnel?

1, 2, 3 JUMP!
Wow! Those rockets go all the way to the ceiling!

Ready? Set! Go!
We had a little friendly race just for fun!

We are looking forward to being back with all of our friends next Tuesday!

Snow Day Activities (1/19/24)

Make a DIY Sensory Bin The possibilities are endless! Below are 2 picture examples of a sensory bin as well as some information to give you ...